Cancellation Policy
The Participant’s retainer payment serves to reserve the Participant’s space in the Retreat and is thus nonrefundable and not transferable in case of cancellation. The Participant understands that cancelling their reservation damages the Retreat Host as the Retreat Host relies on the Participant’s reservation to make other business and scheduling decisions, including booking services from third parties and turning away other potential attendees.
If the Participant notifies the Retreat Host of their intent not to attend the Retreat more than 60 days before the Retreat start date, the Participant agrees to pay the Retreat Host the greater of 50% of the Retreat Price or the $1000 nonrefundable retainer.
If the Participant chooses to leave the Retreat before Services are complete or notifies the Retreat Host of their intent to cancel this Agreement with less than 60 days[1] notice before the Retreat begins, the Participant agrees to pay the Retreat Price in full. Cancellation on short notice makes it unlikely that the Retreat Host will be able to rebook the Participant’s spot on the Retreat and recover expenses already made to Retreat vendors and partners, and as such the Participant’s payments will serve as liquidated damages.
Finally, the Participant understands that the Retreat Host must book a certain number of participants in order to provide Services under this Agreement and that a variety of factors impact the Retreat Host’s ability to implement planned Services. Thus, the Retreat Host is entitled to cancel this Agreement at any time and for any reason. If the Retreat Host chooses to cancel the Retreat under this provision, the Participant will be entitled to a full refund of the Retreat Price, only. The Participant will not be entitled to damages for travel expenses or other costs incurred to attend the Retreat in case of a Retreat Host-initiated cancellation.